“I enjoy your posts. Very good stuff.”

-NHL Player Development Coach

“I enjoyed reading some of your stuff.”

-NHL Assistant Coach

“Keep it 200+”

The In-Powered Coach is an alchemist…

They transform relationships through love, care and constructive energy.

They build trust by meeting players where they are… And not in a cliche way… They meet where they can have a positive influence on the person/athlete/player…

They take something and turn it into something more valuable…

They turn away from the cliche that ‘this is the way it’s always been done.’

And turn toward experiment…

If there’s an inefficiency, they make it better…

What is shared here are ideas that YOU transform into value for your:

  1. Self

  2. Team

  3. Staff

You co-create with me…

My goals: To get you to think. To experiment with what is authentic to you. To create a shared space for coaches to connect deeper than the DM’s and outside the status games and posturing.

I present stories, ideas and concepts I’ve thought about and experimented with as a leader. Your job is to change, tinker with and build on top of them to make them more valuable to you.

What Leaders Say About Us

“Love reading your stuff.”

-Brandon Naurato, Head Coach, University of Michigan Hockey

“ I love your passion.”

-ECHL Head Coach

“Drew’s perspective is one that I have benefited from greatly over the last few years. Whether with sports or just life in general, not many people are able to look at and analyze situations in an objective, unbiased way like he can. If you haven’t spent time reading his books and other work, I highly recommend you do. You will be surprised what you can learn when you begin to take into consideration his fresh outlook.”

-Mikhail Bryan, Assistant Coach at Tufts Hockey, Writer: Beyond the Glass

“Drew’s newsletter is a weekly must read. He has a unique ability to relate many concepts that might seem unrelated, to coaching. Drew is easily able to connect the parallels between topics in an effective way, and produces content that consistently forces readers to think differently. I look forward to receiving his newest thoughts every Thursday. I would recommend it to anyone looking to become a better leader or coach.”

-Kevin Nogueira, Hockey Coach and Writer of Gettin’ Over the Hump

“Drew's newsletter challenges the norm and gets a coach to think. I can think of nothing more powerful and worth the time.”

-Greg Revak, Founder of Hockey’s Arsenal

“Love the content you put out.”

-D1 Head Coach and National Team AC

We’re not for everyone… But we might be for you.

If this interests you, subscribe right here.

Not convinced?

Read the top 2 articles first and then decide.

Anti-Goal of Coaching

Sinek’s Coffee Cups

Ready? Let’s begin.

Other Places to Learn:

  1. Level 1 Coach Podcast- During the spring and summer, Mikhail Bryan and I put out weekly episodes talking about hockey, leadership and concepts from outside of sport applied inside. Check out the first episode below or click this link to visit the Level 1 page:

    2. Books- The Wave Leadership Series and In-Powered Perception are the 3 books currently published. You can check them out here:

    3. Free PDFs, Courses, and 1 to 1 Training- We have two courses. A Game Model Teaching Course and In-Powered Coaching Introductory Course. You can check those out here:

Subscribe to The In-Powered Coach

Some leaders transform what is shared into value for themselves, their staff, and players. Will you be one?


Some leaders transform what is shared into value for themselves, their staff, and players. Our community is a mix of coaches and leaders in hockey, soccer/futbol, lacrosse, basketball, field hockey, wrestling, and more. Do you lead In-Powered?