I started doing some thought exercises to simplify some ideas for players.
Here's what I came up with for offense:
Skate to white space between the dots
Stop in between 2 opponents
Skate towards teammates (create switches)
Skate towards opponents and stick pick (create picks)
Set passing lanes near current 1v1's to make them 2v1
If a teammate makes a run (soccer term for an intentional move to create or compress space), go skate to where he is leaving
Draw 2, play through (attract the attention of 2 opponents, pass through 2 to create a numbers advantage)
These 6 quick statements are what successful offensive principles are based on.
Fergus Connolly outlines 3 principles of offense in Gamechanger.
Construct, Penetrate, and Execute.
I think of them as:
Build space
Fill space
Finish pucks
It makes a cute BFF acronym for processing fluency if you're into that. Offense can be your best friend.
Build usable space for yourself or a teammate to get into, space creates time to finish the play yourself or pass to a more dangerous player on the ice.
Teach Principles, NOT systems, learn more below: